en Charla

DetectionEvaluationJ: A tool for measuring the goodness of object detection algorithms


Ponentes: Manuel García, Adrián Inés

Lugar: Seminario Mirian Andrés (Edificio CCT)

Hora: martes 14 de febrero, 13:00

Abstract: Object detection algorithms are applied in diverse computer vision applications. Hence, it is important to know how good are the regions detected by an algorithm in order to compare it with other algorithms. To solve this, we have developed DetectionEvaluationJ, an ImageJ plugin able to compare a gold standard with the regions obtained by an object-detection algorithm. The result produced by DetectionEvaluationJ is a set of measures that allows us to know the quality of the object-detection algorithms.

Nota: la charla se trata de una prueba de tiempo de la conferencia del mismo título que los ponentes impartirán en el workshop «Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Applications» del congreso «Eurocast 2017» que tendrá lugar en las Palmas de Gran Canaria del 19 al 24 de febrero.

Puedes encontrar las transparencias de la charla en el siguiente enlace.