Ponente: Yves Bertot (Inria, Sophia Antipolis), Laurence Rideau (Inria, Sophia Antipolis)
Lugar: Seminario Chicho (Aula 314, Edificio Vives)
Hora: miércoles 23 de junio, 10:00 a 11:00, 16:30 a 17:30
Abstract: We propose a course in four parts around the «ssreflect» extension of the Coq system. The first part concerns the general structure of goals, scripts, and the main tactics. The second part concerns the main libraries to describe numbers, type structures, finite types, and so on. The third part concerns big operators and relies on an illustration on linear algebra. The fourth part concerns the general algebraic structures and their instantiation on known mathematical objects, with an illustration on the complex field.