Deep Detection and Segmentation Models for Plant Physiology and Precision Agriculture

Ponente: Ángela Casado García (Grupo PSYCOTRIP, Universidad de La Rioja).

Lugar: Seminario Mirian Andrés (Edificio CCT).

Hora: miércoles 8 de noviembre de 2023, 12:00.

Resumen: In this thesis, we have focused on developing methods to improve the performance of deep object detection models. To achieve such a goal, we have used ensemble methods to devise an algorithm that enhances the accuracy and robustness of object detection models. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is the basis for defining semi-supervised learning techniques that reduce the number of annotated images that are required to train object detection models. In addition, we have simplified the creation and use of detection models by building an easy-to-use graphical interface. The developed methods and tools are not only applicable to object detection problems, but we have generalised them to a different computer vision task that is semantic segmentation. Finally, our work is not only theoretical, but it has also been applied to tackle actual problems in plant physiology and precision agriculture.

Nota: la charla se trata de una prueba de tiempo de la presentación de la Tesis Doctoral que Ángela realizará el día 16 de noviembre a las 10:00 en la Sala de Grados del Edificio CCT.

La perplejidad como herramienta para estimar la asignación de nivel de competencia en escritos de una lengua extranjera

Ponente: Gadea Mata Martínez (Grupo PSYCOTRIP, Universidad de La Rioja).

Lugar: Seminario Mirian Andrés (Edificio CCT).

Hora: miércoles 13 de septiembre de 2023, 12:00.

Resumen: la asignación de niveles de competencia a escritos producidos por aprendices de una lengua es una tarea altamente subjetiva. Es por esto que el desarrollo de métodos que evalúen escritos de manera automática puede ayudar tanto al profesorado como al alumnado. En este trabajo, hemos explorado dos vías mediante el uso del corpus CAES. Dicho corpus está formado por escritos de aprendices de español y etiquetado con niveles CEFR (hasta el C1). La primera aproximación es un modelo de aprendizaje profundo llamado Deep-ELE que asigna niveles de competencia a las frases. La segunda aproximación llevada a cabo ha consistido en estudiar la perplejidad de las frases de los estudiantes de distintos niveles, para luego clasificarlos en niveles. Ambas aproximaciones han sido evaluadas, y se ha comprobado que pueden usarse de manera exitosa para clasificar frases por niveles. En concreto, el modelo Deep-ELE obtiene una accuracy de 81,3% y un QWK de 0,83. Como conclusión, este trabajo es un paso para entender cómo las herramientas del procesado de lenguaje natural pueden ayudar a las personas que aprenden un segundo idioma.

Nota: la charla se trata de una prueba de tiempo de la ponencia que presentará Gadea en el XXXIX Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (Jaén, 27-29 de septiembre de 2023,

An Algorithm for translation of a Natural Language Question into SQL query

Ponente: Mariya Zhekova (Assistant Professor, University of Food Technologies in Plovdiv, Bulgaria).

Lugar: Seminario Mirian Andrés (Edificio CCT).

Hora: jueves 7 de septiembre de 2023, 12:00.

Resumen: The research is a crossroads in the fields of Informatics and Computational Linguistics and illustrates the understanding and interpretation of texts in natural language by computers. In it, the computer is trained with the help of grammar rules and classified linguistic corpora of possible word combinations of language units. The research presents an algorithm (a type of methodology) for creating a software module, independent of the programming language and of the query language, which copes with the task of extracting information from a relational database from a freely set user question. The goal can be achieved through pre-built models describing the considered domain area, rules, and question/query templates. The analytical capability of the proposed algorithm allows the language units identified by the question to be mapped to database objects, information about which can be found and returned in the form of a response from the system. Logical programming methods and processing in the algorithm do not depend on the programming language and technologies used. The presented method for semantic search and information retrieval can be implemented absolutely independently to different information systems operating in the same domain area. From the experiments made with user questions, it can be concluded that the software tool based on the proposed algorithm copes with the task of transforming natural language text into a database query.

Nota: the following links contain some of the materials that were also part of the talk by Mariya:

The slides of the talk are also available through the following link.