The kernel of Sphynx

Ponente: Francis Sergeraert (Université Joseph Fourier – Grenoble 1).

Lugar: Seminario Mirian Andrés (Edificio CCT).

Hora: martes 16 de mayo de 2023, 12:00.

Resumen: The Kenzo program was born thirty years ago. Taking account of the long experience of Kenzo, in particular of its relatively important defects, an entirely new version of Kenzo is currently being rewritten, called Sphynx. Thirty years later, our machines are much more powerful, allowing us to use all the resources of Common Lisp, in particular the Meta Object Protocol. The result is a text much closer to the very nature of the underlying mathematics, satisfying also the now common requirements: strict typing during the development, efficiency in production. The talk will explain the main components of the Sphynx program.

Functional Programming is Free


Ponente: Francis Sergeraert (Université Joseph Fourier – Grenoble 1)

Lugar: Seminario Mirian Andrés (Edificio CCT)

Hora: jueves 1 de junio, 12:00

Resumen: The Kenzo  program, devoted to Algebraic  Topology, uses intensively «Functional Programming».  The complexity  problem in such a situation must consider the *cost* of the numerous functional objects dynamically generated at runtime, with a structure rather complex. The underlying tool, the notion of «closure» is essential in the process. Good news: we will explain why, in our  context, the cost of these functional objects is essentially null. Needs a lucid understanding of the real structure of these magic objects called «closures», the main subject of the talk. No knowledge in Algebraic Topology is required to attend this talk.