Transferring lemmas and proofs in Isabelle/HOL: a survey

Ponente: Jesús Aransay (Universidad de La Rioja)

Lugar: Seminario Mirian Andrés (Edificio CCT)

Hora: martes 11 de octubre, 12:00

Nota: la charla se trata de una prueba de tiempo para la presentación del mismo titulo que tendrá lugar en el Seminario «Universality of Proofs» que se celebra en el Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (Schloss Dagstuhl).

Abstract: Data types admit different representations. The reasons to prioritise one or another range from efficiency to simplicity. Interactive theorem provers allow users to work with these representations and offer tools that ease their communication. These tools are required to preserve the formalism among the representations. In this talk we present some use cases in the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL, defining the scope of each of these tools and their possible scenarios.

Puedes encontrar las transparencias de la charla en este enlace.

Formalisation and execution of Linear Algebra: theorems and algorithms

Ponente: Jose Divasón Mallagaray (Universidad de La Rioja)

Lugar: Sala de Grados (Edificio CCT)

Hora: miércoles 15 de junio, 12:00

Resumen: This talk is about the formalisation and execution of Linear Algebra algorithms in Isabelle/HOL, an interactive theorem prover. The work is based on the HOL Multivariate Analysis library, whose matrix representation has been refined to datatypes that admit a representation in functional programming languages. This enables the generation of programs from such verified algorithms. In particular, several well-known Linear Algebra algorithms have been formalised involving both the computation of matrix canonical forms and decompositions (such as the Gauss-Jordan algorithm, echelon form, Hermite normal form, and QR decomposition). Some benchmarks of the generated programs are presented as well where matrices of remarkable dimensions are involved, illustrating the fact that they are usable in real-world cases. In addition, an experiment involving Isabelle, its logics, and the formalisation of some underlying mathematical concepts presented in Voevodsky’s simplicial model for Homotopy Type Theory is presented.

The presentation  is available through this link.

Nota: la charla se trata de una prueba de tiempo para la presentación de la Tesis, que tendrá lugar el día 20 de junio a las 16:00 en la misma Sala de Grados del CCT.

Rendering useful formalized mathematics, with an application to image processing


Ponente: Jesús Aransay (Universidad de La Rioja)

Lugar: Seminario Chicho (Aula 314, Edificio Vives)

Hora: miércoles 9 de diciembre, 12:00

La charla está dentro de la «Bioimaging week» dedicada a distintos aspectos de la investigación en el procesamiento de imágenes biomédicas

Se trata de una prueba de tiempo para el Thematic Program in Computer Algebra que se celebra en Toronto entre Junio y Diciembre